Pipe will be pressed with by pneumatic cylinder, with rollers the pressing effect will be better.
For small pipe diameter the extended bar will ensure an exact position for pipe winding.
For different pipe diameter and winding control, the inside diameter should be set exactly.
We have prepared measuring scales on each flap, which helps operator with an easy and exact adjustment of inside diameter
We apply the mechanical structure for each flap, the advantage of this mechanical device is a reliable position holding.
At the packing stage, the big diameter pipe can be pressed with pipe pressing device and operator can pack the finished pipe roll easily.
For pipe with diameter like 63mm or even bigger, the pipe is hard to keep the shape with hand. The pressing device keep the pipe end on the winder and the operator can pack the finished pipe roll easily.
On one of the flaps, a pneumatic clamping device was set. It helps flap with pipe holding, the pipe can easily build a roll and winding start.